This year, I feel we should all sit back, relax and contemplate our futures, while enjoying a delicious, soothing, joyful cup of tea!
Below is a list of some of the folks you might consider:
Your Son-in-law
Your Mother-in-law
Your Pregnant Daughter
Your Grand Children
Your Kids
Your Grandmother
Your Nanny
Your Postman
Your Dog Walker
Your Cat Watcher
Your Haircutter
Your Acupuncturist
Your Therapist
Your Neighbor
Your Garbage Collecter
Your Gardener
Your Ex (why not?)
Your Neighbor (the one you never talk to)
Your Kid's Teachers
Your Internet Date
Your Co-workers
How about your lousy Boss?
So, who did we forget? Let us know!
We are standing by the phones, waiting for your calls, for your last minute shopping: (212) 358-0506